Register your interest with West Norwood

We like to keep things as simple as possible. This helps provide predictability and stability for families by avoiding confusing multi-tier fee structures and hidden costs. Charges are always for the month in advance and you will be invoiced monthly through our convenient ‘paperless’ system through the Famly app.

The fees include all meals, snacks, and drinks throughout the day, including milk formula. They also include nappies, wipes, and creams. There are no additional charges within the fees below. That includes various activities that take place at the nursery such as extra-curricular sessions, trips, and experience days. Its all-inclusive!

Fees information

Our nursery is open all year. We close for Bank Holidays, 3 training days per year and over the Christmas and New Year period. You can see a full list of our closure days in the document below.

Fees are based on the opening hours of 8:00am – 6.00pm. An optional bolt on service is available from 7:30am at an extra charge of £15.

Children accessing a full 5 day nursery week benefit from a discounted rate and are charged on the basis of a 51 week year.

We will require a £100 registration fee and £200 deposit.

Additionally, we want to make sure we are offering you and your children the best possible nursery experience. Therefore, we are always looking for ways to improve and develop what we offer here at Monkey Puzzle West Norwood.

With that in mind, we offer extra curricular classes, at no extra cost, on certain days of the week which you can enrol your child into. These include Spanish lessons, Multi Sports, and Whippersnappers.

Monday – Multi Sports 10-11.30
Tuesday – Spanish Lessons 10.30-11.30
Wednesday –Multi Sports 10.30-11.30
Thursday – Whippersnappers 10.30-11.30 am

All prices changes occur the month after the child’s birthday

You will be pleased to hear that we are eligible to receive government funding so children can have 15 hours FREE nursery education and care per week starting the term after their third birthday.

If you would like further details of how this scheme could be of benefit to you, please contact us.

Please note: Pre-school funded time will be deducted from the above and can be flexible to suit the needs of the parents.

We accept all major childcare vouchers, including Sodexho, Computershare & Accor.

Enrolling at the Nursery?

We would suggest you stay in regular contact with us and update us with your requirements.

We will contact you 8 weeks before the start date, but please be aware that we may need to withdraw the offer if you change your requirements e.g. if you postpone the start date or if you are offered 3 days and only want to take 2 of them.

Once you receive our written offer, you need to accept or decline in writing and pay the deposit amount stated on your invoice. If you do not do so, the place will be offered to the next family on the waiting list.

If you decline a place, it does not count against you if you want to remain on the waiting list. However, you do then need to give us a clear revised start date and required days so that we can update our waiting list accurately.

After you have accepted the place and received the invoice for a deposit of a month’s fees, this will be payable within 5 days to secure your child’s place. You will also be offered dates for 3 trial settling-in sessions.

Remember to let Sheena Patel or Melissa (Nursery Manager) know of any changes to your contact details or requirements.

Government Funding for 15 and 30 Hours

Childcare costs can be difficult to cover, especially in the current climate. However, the Government do offer funded support towards these costs which could significantly reduce the amount you are paying each month.

How does it work?

Every child who lives in England is entitled to Universal funding from the term after their 3rd birthday. This is commonly known as “15 hours” and nurseries are entitled to claim this funding for 38 weeks of the year (term times). This equates to 570 hours per year. No eligibility code is required, just proof of your child’s date of birth.

If you meet certain criteria, such as you are a family working over 16 hours per week, earning under £100,000 per annum and living in England, your child may also be entitled to Extended funding from the term after their 3rd birthday. This is often referred to as “30 hours” and over the 38 weeks of the year (term times) equates to 1140 hours.

How can I check if I’m eligible?

An eligibility code will be required for 30 hours funding. If you wish to apply for a code and to check your eligibility, you will need to set up a childcare account. Apply for free childcare if you’re working – GOV.UK (

You will need your personal details (and your partner’s, if applicable), including your:

  • National Insurance number
  • Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), if you are self-employed.

It usually takes 20 minutes to apply. You may find out if you’re eligible straight away, but it can take up to 7 days.

You will then need to provide your Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery with your 11-digit eligibility code, NI number and child’s DOB in order for them to be able to claim the Extended funding for your child.

For more details on the Extended funding please visit Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK

Using 15 and 30 hours funding at Monkey Puzzle

There are rules around how 15-hours and 30-hours funding can be applied, so you can expect to pay for any additional hours that your child attends the nursery, as well as for meals, drinks, nappies, trips, and any other consumables.

At Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries, we know that term time only hours do not meet the working needs of all parents, therefore we stretch the funding over the 51 weeks of the year that we are open. 

Please note, each nursery may not offer funding in the same way, please speak to your Nursery Management Team for more information on funding that is specific to your child’s nursery.  

Important dates for 15 hours and 30 hours funding

From April 2024 Up to 15 hours for eligible working families in England with a 2 year old.
From Sept 2024 Up to 15 hours for eligible working families in England with a child between 9 and 23 months.
From Sept 2025 Up to 30 hours for eligible working families in England with a child from 9 months old up to school age.
  • From April 2024 up to 15 hours for eligible working families in England with a 2 year old.
  • From September 2024 up to 15 hours for eligible working families in England with a child between 9 and 23 months.
  • From September 2025, up to 30 hours for eligible working families in England with a child from 9 months old up to school age.

Details are still being finalised by the Government and local authorities. You can apply for your code at Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK

Where Next?

babies environment


babies care


babies nutrition


babies settling in

Settling In

babies curriculum


meet the babies team

Meet the Team